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Daughters of the Ocean (discovering the goddess within...) - Calendar of Performances
A Contemporary Dance Theatre Production by Anita Ratnam & ADT
60 mins, 1999

  • December 10: National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai
  • August 3: Samskriti Art Academy, Chennai

  • December 29: Ravindra Kalakshetra, Bangalore
  • August 9: Nehru Centre, Mumbai

  • August: Nehru Centre, Mumbai
  • March 8: Duchess Club, Chennai

  • September 9: The Habitat Centre, New Delhi
  • August 25 - 27: The Museum Theatre, Chennai
  • March 30: Alliance Francaise, Chennai
  • March 26: CANSTOP, Chennai
  • February 11: NCPA, Mumbai
  • February 6: Rabindra Bharathi, Hyderabad

  • October 24: The Habitat Centre, New Delhi
  • October 19: Bharat Bhavan Auditorium, Auroville, Pondicherry

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